DateUtils API

Set of functions useful to work with dates and modifiers.

import { DateUtils } from "react-day-picker";


addDayToRange (day: Date, range: ?Object<from: ?Date, to: ?Date>) ⇒ Object<from: ?Date, to: ?Date>

Add day to a range of days, returning a new range including that day. A range is an object with from and to keys. See the range example for an example using this function.

import { DateUtils } from "react-day-picker";

const range = {
  from: new Date(2015, 5, 14),
  to: new Date(2015, 5, 18)
const newRange = DateUtils.addDayToRange(new Date(2015, 5, 24), range);

console.log( // 2015-05-24

addMonths (date: Date, n: number) ⇒ Date

Return date as a new Date with n months added. Missing days will be added to the final date, e.g. 2016-03-31 + 1 month = 2016-05-01 (since the 31th of April is missing).

clone (date: date) ⇒ Date

Clone date returning a new Date with the same time.

isDate (value) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true if value is a valid Javascript Date.

isDayAfter (day1: Date, day2: Date) ⇒ boolean

Return true if day1 is after day2.

isDayBefore (day1: Date, day2: Date) ⇒ boolean

Return true if day1 is before day2.

isDayBetween (day: Date, day1: Date, day2: Date) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if day is between day1 and day2, without including those days.

isDayInRange (day: Date, range: Object<from: ?Date, to: ?Date>) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if day is included in the specified range of days.

isFutureDay (day: Date) ⇒ boolean

Return true if day is in the future, i.e. is tomorrow or any day after tomorrow.

isPastDay (day: Date) ⇒ boolean

Return true if day is in the past, i.e. is yesterday or any day before yesterday.

isSameDay (day1: ?Date, day2: ?Date) ⇒ boolean

Return true if day1 andday2 are the same day.

isSameMonth (day1: ?Date, day2: ?Date) ⇒ boolean

Return true if day1 andday2 fall in the same month.