LocaleUtils API

Set of functions used internally to localize the component.

In some cases, you may want to implement your own LocaleUtils, or override some of its functions (see: Localization). For example, this code renders the month’s title as M/YYYY instead of the default:

import DayPicker, { LocaleUtils } from "react-day-picker";

function formatMonthTitle(d, locale) {
 return `${d.getMonth() + 1}/${d.getFullYear()}`

<DayPicker localeUtils={ { ...LocaleUtils, formatMonthTitle } } />


formatDay (day: Date, locale: string) ⇒ string

Format the string used as aria-label for the given day.

formatMonthTitle (month: Date, locale: string) ⇒ string

Return the string used to format the month’s title for the given month.

formatWeekdayLong (i: number, locale: string) ⇒ string

Return the string used to render the weekday’s long name (starting from0 as Sunday).

formatWeekdayShort (i: number, locale: string) ⇒ string

Return the string used to render the weekday’s short name, e.g. Mo forMonday.

getFirstDayOfWeek (locale: string) ⇒ number

Return the first day of the week for the given locale (where 0is Sunday).

getMonths (locale: string) ⇒ number

Return the twelve months for the given locale (full name, e.g. January).